Hmmm, my dedication? I (L) Peiying from Dikus, she rock in many ways. She always laugh at people, especially Kaiyi. She also try to make people laugh by doing funny things. Although people may think it's not funny at all. -.- She is always finding things to eat although she have no money left. Trying to pull everyone to eat fast food with her, but in the end she still win. She is too pro or whatever, but she really rock. :D As for the others i also (L) them but they are not as adorable as Peiying. They are always bullying Peiying, i may hate them sometime for bullying such a adorable kiddo. But i shall forgive them since they are her family. New Year resolution:
To have a slumber party with Dikus
Go Genting after graduation
Save money !
Have more & more outing.
To celebrate my birthday. ♥
The last one is the most important. Everyone must remember it. :D I love you. Muacksmuacks. Yesyes, i am the second one to post. It's not a long one, idc i'm berry tired now. Byebye -Snore-
DIKUS' Funds
Updated on 17/1/10 : $15.05
OMPM : Jingyi ($2 21/1/10)
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